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WhisperReporter - Professional Inspection Reporting System

WhisperReporter - Professional Inspection Reporting System

Regular price $595.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $595.00 USD
Sale Sold out
WhisperReporter Property Inspection System
From: Whisper Computer Solutions, Inc.
Unified Workspace
Includes a built-in word processor with spellchecker and thesaurus, drag-n-drop insertion for images and frequently used comments, navigation panel for quick topic selection, and more!
Incredible Feature Set
Create PDF reports fast with in-line picklists, tags to reference global or report specific values, cloakable text that you can hide/show with a single click, auto-lookup and insertion of frequently used comments, link text to a summary, watermarking and much much much more!
Powerful Report Designer
Create just about any report design you want, you are in control! You can modify existing report layouts or start from scratch with a blank sheet of paper. Create reports that are free form narrative, checklist style, as a form with fields to fill in, or a combination of all three!
Click here for more information or to download a trial version.
InterNACHI member price: $495
Non-member price: $595
Please Note: When you purchase, we will alert Whisper Computer Solutions, and they will provide you with your software license via email, usually within 24-48 hours.
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